a few weeks ago, s popped into saks on her lunch break to make a quick return, but instead experienced the makings of the perfect "meet cute" with chanel business manager and makeup artist, denise bejasa. they immediately got to chatting and bonded over their love for chicago and
house of cards. it didn't take long for s to realize that db had to meet k and c. denise not only has a way of making you look and feel beautiful, but has an honest thoughtfulness that any girl would appreciate in a makeup artist (and a friend).
s and c spent valentine's day at
chanel, getting pretty with db before heading out on a sister date to
tre soldi. here are a few of our pics and product favs from our date night. but more importantly, we want to introduce you to our new friend and beauty guru...denise bejasa.
s & c
name: denise bejasa
position: chanel business manager (makeup artist)
chicago is…
special because the people are generally
family-oriented, strong (to endure our weather), and we have sub-cultures of music
lovers, foodies, and artists. our city is clean and people have these pockets
of places they like to hang out all over the city!
my winter beauty secret is…
i bought some japanese cotton masks
that i soak in serums for moisture to intensify the efficacy. hannibal lechter scariness
for no less than 20 minutes. i mask 2-3 times a week before i go to bed. i also soak my body in lavender eucalyptus epsom salts at night when it's
extremely cold. it relaxes my muscles, clears my head, and softens my skin. i found
the salts at CVS.
beauty routine…
if you could do the makeup of any celebrity, who would it be and
i would love to do diane sawyer's makeup. i feel she is a graceful
woman who has to report the news no matter how pressing and maintain her
composure and accuracy. she always looks polished not flashy. there are
many things i would ask her in regards to events, politics, and lifestyle.
i imagine she would be amazing and appreciative.
my favorite style icon is…
my mother would say imelda marcos
because i'm filipino and have an extensive collection of shoes. i don't have a
specific icon but i was influenced by my father because of his style and
appreciation for quality versus quantity in regards to picking out clothes and
i can't live without (what product?)… concealer
what is in your purse?
love is… unconditional.
what three words describe chanel cosmetics/skincare... ICONIC,
what is the best advice you have ever received? #STYS
don't touch your
face throughout the day!
(pictures via c's camera)