Monday, November 11, 2013

The First Snowfall

it's the first snowfall in chicago today. as i'm sure you can relate, we're never really ready for the first snowfall...

i know s definitely was not ready one bit as she got caught in her new eton boy cropped trousers today and her janey patent flats while out in the slushy streets of chicago this afternoon...she still thinks she is living in dc sometimes where the fall lasts til at least january and their idea of winter is just a little dash of snow and a little ice. not here in chicago! we are still trying to convince her to get a "real" winter coat...oh s ;)

although patio drinking, bbqs and days at oak street beach are now months away, we know that some of our favorite days in chicago actually are those that have started on cold saturday mornings cuddled up in bed with a pot of coffee and ended with flowing bottles of red wine on nights when it is just too cold to venture any farther than k and her hubby's apartment.

there are a lot of fab things that come with the change of seasons. tartan of course, hearty meals (eat up! no need to worry about being in a bathing suit for at least a few months), great outerwear (like this gem), and whiskey always being a good idea (it keeps you warm!)... chicago winter is not that bad...but ask us again in a few months... our minds might change. until then happy first snowfall chicago!

k, s, & c

(picture via pinterest)

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