Thursday, November 7, 2013


so there i was after work, browsing the running gear at niketown (yes, i'm a devout lulu fan but have an appreciation for what nike has been doing lately), when out of nowhere this guy came over to me, and it went something like this...

cute guy: "hi, my name is brian, wanted to come over and introduce myself, are you a runner?" 

me: completely caught off guard, kind of confused realizing he is not a sales person, "uh, yea i am, looking for more cold weather running gear."

cute guy: "me too. you looked like a runner, figure we have similar interests. i mean, i saw you and i thought you were cute... i didn't want to pass up the opportunity to meet you and see if you would want to go for a run some time."

after looking around and realizing, yes, i'm still in niketown (not mistakenly at happy hour) and yes, i am randomly being asked out while holding a pair of running pants in one hand and gloves in the other... not sure how to respond, i smiled. a moment passed and he continued...

cute guy: "i know, i mean, i'm sorry, you must be weirded out, i just didn't want to pass up on the chance to talk to you..." he rambles a little more, engages in some small talk. at this point i'm completely flattered, but almost laughing out loud as i look around noting (again) where i am. yep, still niketown... that just happened.

walking away, it made me think... not only had i gained a new pair of gloves and a guy's number, but more importantly it re-enforced a few things:

1) no matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up. it makes a difference, make it happen. always bring it (better with a smile and a sassy attitude) ;)

2) being single is a blast, waking up everyday is a new and different adventure, you never know who you are going to meet, you never know where your day is going to lead or to whom, whether it's in line at sbux or a random stop at niketown.

3) stay open-minded. put yourself out there. life is short, seize the day and all of the moments in between. "niketown" might not have been the man of my dreams but he could have been...

p.s. this message is for the guys: that girl you keep seeing in the sbux line every morning, or that one you see several times a week on your morning commute, the one that consistently keeps catching your eye, go for it. you have nothing to lose. #justdoit 

(pictures via pinterest)

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