Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Single Ladies

this is for all the single ladies, all of the girls who have loved with their whole heart only for it to be broken, who recently saw their ex pop up on facebook with their arms around another girl, and to all of the gals who went on a wacked out date this last weekend only to make them think they want to swear off men for good.

i have experienced all of this recently, all of it, for better or for worse. 

for the first time in basically like a decade…i am single. yep, i know, insane right? almost all of my 20s have been wrapped up in one guy after the next. seriously, what was I thinking??

but in a lot of ways, that’s me. i wear my heart on my sleeve, i care deeply, always bring the joy (as skinny buddha has taught me) and as my friends have been known to give me grief, “i love being in love.” i fall hard. what can i say? i have passion. no apologies here. ;)

but here i am, for the first time in a really long time, single. and not going to lie, just saying it out loud is awesome and makes me smile.

i don’t have to worry about someone else. i get to spend some time doing what i love, figuring out what else i love and what i don’t love. it is not about someone else’s mood, job, or plans in life. but instead, what’s my plan? what do want? what makes me happy?

i'll be honest, i am a generally happy person, confident and comfortable in my own skin but i can’t honestly say that in my adult years, i haven’t looked to my job or boyfriend to define my day-to-day feelings and happiness. tough to admit but it's true. so im going to work on that and for those of you who can relate to this, here are my thoughts:

1). to all my single ladies, do you, dance around in your underwear, put your time and energy into the people in your life that really matter, workout, plan an adventure and listen to celine dion (it’s all coming back to me now).

2). to all of the girls who have loved with their whole heart only for it to be broken, “forgetting people who hurt you is your gift to them; forgiving people who hurt you is your gift to yourself.” give yourself a week, month tops, cry it out, eat whatever you want but that’s it. don’t give him another moment’s thought. (thanks manders ;)

3). to all who recently saw their ex pop up on facebook with their arms around another girl...this is a tough one, f*** em. nothing is as it seems and you can convince yourself he has changed, you can think that his problems aren’t hers, or he magically has grown up in the short time since his arms were around you but you and i both know, a picture doesn’t amount to any of that.

4). and to all of the gals who went on a wacked out date this last weekend only to make them think they want to swear off men for good…don’t. i have been on more dates in the last few months than i would care to count and each one is teaching me just a little more of what i want and what i don’t want. think of it as doing a little homework, just a little research but with cocktails. ;)


p.s. this post is dedicated to my amazing girlfriends, skinny buddha, and to my sisters who are always just a phone call, glass of wine, dance party or a gchat away from being there for me. (AW, BY, EM, KD, KJ, KM, SW) 

(picture via pinterest)

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