Wednesday, July 2, 2014

La Bonne Vie

there are two things i am pretty passionate about. fashion + food. to me they go pretty much hand in hand. any way, my friend sent this blog to me a couple months ago knowing that i would add it quickly to my book mark of blogs that i visit daily. boy were they right! not only do i have a girl crush and goal of livin' like mimi in france... her photos, recipes, and stories pull you in (at least for me). her cute kiddos don't hurt either ;) those close to me (a.k.a. my grandma & step bro nick) always joke that i am a total chicago girl who may one day pick up and to say to hell with it to live abroad. never say never, right?

well, besides wanting to share mimi's great blog that you too should add to your blogroll... she just released a sneak peek of her new cookbook out this fall which you can pre-order here. photos below. jouir!


(pictures mimi thorisson)

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