Monday, June 23, 2014

The ULTIMATE Dream Man

what man in your life inspires you, energizes your soul, makes you feel beautiful, dances like michael,
gives you arms like kelly, a booty like beyonce and leaves you feeling fabulously sexy?? meet everett, the ULTIMATE dream man.

if you haven't taken his class at Flywheel Chicago, you need to. whether you are single or married, you REALLY do need this fun lovin’ guy in your life.

c and i have been taking his 6:30 class on mondays and we have to say, there really is no better way to start the work week. everett is a true gem and one of those extraordinary people you feel lucky to share your time with (even if it is in a dark room, sweatin' like crazy, cyclin' in place to the likes of whitney, beyonce, gaga and shakira). :) not only is his class a blast and a great workout but one of our favorite parts of an evening with everett is the way he makes you feel from the moment you walk in the door til the moment you finish that last 8 count of insanity in the final song of the ride.

always with a smile on his face, he has an energizing spirit that is a true inspiration. you can't help but walk away from his class on an "everett high". we will be getting our fly on tonight at 6:30, who is ready to find your dream man?? 

meet our friend, life guru and fly extraordinaire....everett

chicago is… my dream come true, a beautiful gem by a sparkling lake, a place where you can ALWAYS add gravy to anything, my home, and the only place i want to be...

my fav Fly playlist would include... whitney houston. I miss her every day of my life!

everett"isms"… "the higher the hill, the higher the booty."  "the key to success is believing you can succeed. believe it. RIGHT NOW."  "you are beautiful. and i know because i'm looking at you."  "just remember: all those time when you think you can't, YOU JUST DID."  "love your self.  love your body.  and spread some love into the world."

love is... the most precious treasure we can ever get in this life.  make the effort to fill your heart so full of it that there's room for little else.  and remember: heartache is a reminder of just how precious it really is.  so embrace it all.  it's worth it.  i promise!

who is your biggest girl/guy crush… jake shears from the scissor sisters has always made me a bit weak in the knees.  if that's cliche, so be it.  he's totally hot!  oh.  and ana matronic.  and babydaddy, too.  sooooooo, basically i have a crush on the scissor sisters.  and i'm okay with it.

what is on your bucket list… i want to run a marathon.  i want to own a home.  i want to visit India and New Zealand.  I want to find a love that burns so brightly for so long that my life seemed incomplete before.  I want to watch my niece grow into a beautiful woman.  I want to live each day of my life with gratitude for everything I can do and determination to try everything I think I can't.  I want to laugh, constantly.  I want to see our society find a way to care deeply and unconditionally for one another.  I want to learn to crochet and quilt.  I want to bake a perfect quiche.  I want to be happy.

cocktail or wine?  cocktail, always.  cucumber vodka and soda.  it's like salad-flavored heaven in a glass (and low calorie!)

favorite book... The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. i read it in 2nd grade for the first time. at least once a year, I reread the same copy of it.

what famous people would you invite to a dinner party? i'd love to sit down with my favorite musicians and singers: Kylie Minogue, Kelly Clarkson, Beth Ditto from Gossip, Bonnie Raitt, Tori Amos, Darren Hayes, RuPaul, and Sam Smith, just to name a few.  they all inspire me in different ways and drive me to do my very best, both on and off the bike.  music is such an integral part of my life!  (And if they were unavailable, I'd be just as happy having dinner with all of my amazing colleagues at Flywheel.  Talk about heroes!)

on a Sunday morning, you can find me... laughing over brunch with friends in andersonville, lounging on my couch with my cat zebrah, or sweating out the weekend at the gym!  (a ride at Flywheel really is the best hungover cure. i swear!)

on a Saturday night, you can find me.... in the stadium teaching the 5:30pm class at Flywheel!  but after, anything is fair game.  i love dancing the night away in boystown, cooking for friends at home, or exploring some unknown corner of this amazing city! as long as i'm surrounded by my friends, i don't really care what happens because i know it will be great.

what is the best advice you have ever received… it's all even in the end. if it's not even, it's not the end. so don't worry about it.

s & c 

p.s. his class always books up quickly, be sure to have a reminder set on your phone at 5pm on sundays when the weekly class block becomes available for reservation!

(pictures via Lori Cannava)

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