Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I am that girl

when we came across this feature on forbes the other night, we knew we wanted to help the I AM THAT GIRL campaign. every word rang true for all 3 of us. we're going to let sheila moeschen (who we virtually adore!), senior editor of I AM THAT GIRL campaign take over and tell you a little more about 'isms, sophia bush, and #IATG...

got #beautyFULL?

i am a big fan of 'isms. you know: quips, quotes, kick catch-sayings, the kind phrases that deliver quick hits of both inspiration and energy. when my friend, boss, chief badass emily greener floated the term "beautyFULL" by me, i knew i was in the presence of some one and something pretty special.

em is the inspired and fearless co-founder of I AM THAT GIRL, an organization committed to turning girls' self-doubt into self-love, to empowering girls to healthy self-worth through positive media and community building. there is simply so much i love about #IATG that i often find myself in full on gush mode when talking to friends, family, or new connections about our organization and what we do. from the leagues of girls owning their awesome local chapters that span from NY to South Africa, to the brave and inspiring contributors who write blogs and film videos for our website, i am constantly humbled and awestruck by the time and selfless energy that so many give to this cause. it is, without doubt, #beautyFULL.

i never get a tired of feeling it or seeing it. i glimpsed at it again just recently in our collaboration with actress sophia bush in an ongoing fundraising campaign. you probably became smitten with sophia from her role as brooke davis on one tree hill and this winter she'll play detective lindsay in nbc's chicago pd. sophia shares in our mission and happily hopped on board for our campaign that enters pledgers into a drawing to win a chance to meet and skydive with sophia. funds raised from this campaign will go to build more than 50 IATG local chapters. sophia's generousity in time and spirit is just one example of the kind of people drawn to I AM THAT GIRL and just one indictator of every voice counts. and a lot of days that's fuel enough to move forward and dream bigger. pretty much every day that's the definition of being and living #beautyFULL.

psst! it's not too late to jump on prizeo campaign. do more than a lil' social good and enter a chance to win some pretty cool treats. visit here to learn about how you can make a difference!


pictures via sheila

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