Thursday, September 19, 2013

Screen Shot

while i was at work yesterday, i was trying to snap photos of our showroom build out & quickly got flustered because my iphone memory was full. my first thought: i have to delete some of my photos a.k.a. memories? no way. my reaction to this definitely had my boss laughing (leave it to me to have a photo filled iphone at max capacity).

as i finished uploading everything to avoid the horrible act of deleting a single thing, i stumbled on screen shots of text messages from a past crush. you know that moment when you come across something and you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach? the moment you text your sister the screen shot of the text so you don't feel alone with your feelings. it's that photo/memory, email from an ex, or in this case, screen shot of a text message that brings you back. dammit c, why save so many memories?

well i let myself sulk momentarily, well maybe more than a few moments...only being honest here, but the moment passed and just like that, i poured another glass of pinot, put on my favorite audrey hepburn movie, and texted with my sister to distract me from that inevitable feeling in my chest. for a moment i thought to delete those texts or "memories", but instead i kept them. as weird as one may thinks this sounds, life moves on but every once in awhile, its nice to be reminded of what was, because it is also a reminder of where you have been and why you are where you are now, as my sister said, "it's ok you feel that way, let yourself. it's ok." yeah, it is ok, and on that note i might just pour myself one more glass of wine... 


(photo via pinterest)

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